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Results for "main_practice: "Imagination", latest_content: 1"
Prejudice Against Creativity By Elías Viveros Every one of us lives in a culture that is different, but I am practically sure that, between all of them, there is a common factor. Most people have a full life based on a seri…
Free to Choose The freedom to choose one option over another is the source of democracy and consumerism. We like to tell ourselves that we can determine our destiny by the choices we make. But as Sophia Rosenfeld …
Life as a Work of Art Zen Wisdom The creative process, like a spiritual journey, is intuitive, nonlinear, and experiential. It points us toward our essential nature, which is a reflection of the boundless creativity o…
Embracing Boredom Whenever I think about boredom, I tend to picture a lousy and negative state of mind that brings me down. In an article for, David Robson points out that research on this behavior has found …
Fertility Ritual for Creativity At the end of our Forgiveness salon, I asked my guests for suggestions of what rituals they wanted to explore next. A writer in the group asked for a fertility ritual for creativity. That really cau…
Creation in the Face of Adversity By Ameena Naqvi for KidSpirit's Creation and Destruction issue. The universe is comprised of the two fundamental ideas of creation and destruction. They are the essence of all societies, and whil…
A Prayer for New Audiences for Visual and Performing Arts Dear Evolving God, we are so grateful that you love creativity and are still making masterpieces: the universe is a work in progress. Help us to see and appreciate the diversity, beauty, and transfo…
The Divine in Our Deeds Little Spirituality It is in the tiniest acts, the ones that no one sees, that we express who we are. — Virginia E. Lang in How to Bury a Goldfish Psychological Wisdom To be impatient is…
The Death of Novelist E. L. Doctorow E. L. Doctorow, who died on July 21, 2015, at age 84, was a thinking person's novelist who always excelled in showing us the unpredictable ways in which history, character, and morality intertwine. …
Reflection Harvest Ritual For a gathering of our Ritual Salon in the early fall I wanted to find a way to get in touch with the season. Traditionally the fall is a time of celebrating the harvest: honoring seeds sown earlier…